Sardinian proverbs: Chentu 'ortas to meditate and only one to saw
Proverbs are an invaluable cultural heritage, capable of enclosing centuries of wisdom and traditions in just a few words. One of the most significant Sardinian sayings is: "Chentu 'ortas a medire e una sola a segare" . This proverb, literally translated, means "A hundred times to measure and only once to cut" and underlines the importance of prudence and reflection before acting.
But what is the context of this proverb? What is its deep meaning and how can we apply it in everyday life? Let's find out together.
Origin and context of the proverb
The proverb originates in the context of rural Sardinia, a land where agriculture and pastoralism were central to daily life. The phrase refers to a practical custom: before cutting wheat or hay, farmers carefully measured the times, conditions and quantities needed to avoid waste or errors.
This agricultural habit has become a universal metaphor: to think carefully before making an irreversible decision. This proverb, like many others, offers us a glimpse into the Sardinian mentality, based on pondering and avoiding impulsive actions.

Analysis of meaning
The proverb invites us to:
Reflect calmly : Take time to analyze the situation before acting.
Avoid Mistakes : A decision made lightly can lead to negative consequences.
Appreciating wisdom : Recognizing the value of experience and strategic thinking.
The wisdom of the saying is applicable not only to agricultural life, but also to all important decisions in life. From work to personal relationships, thinking before acting is a timeless lesson.
Practical applications in everyday life
How can we apply this proverb today? Some practical examples:
At work : Before starting an important project, it is essential to carefully plan every detail to avoid wasting resources and time.
In relationships : Making thoughtful decisions in friendships or relationships avoids unnecessary conflict.
When purchasing goods : Evaluating carefully a major purchase, such as a house or a car, is essential to making an informed choice.
The Value of Sardinian Proverbs in Modern Culture
Proverbs, such as "Chentu 'ortas a medire e una sola a segare," are not just expressions of the past. They continue to be relevant today, conveying values such as patience, prudence, and wisdom.
Preserving and passing on these sayings is essential to preserve the cultural identity of Sardinia. Speaking Sardinian and knowing its proverbs helps to keep the roots alive and to pass on to the new generations a wealth of precious teachings.
Other similar proverbs in the Sardinian tradition
Sardinian wisdom is full of sayings that encourage reflection and prudence. Here are some examples:
"Su tempus est donu de su mundu" (Time is the gift of the world): an invitation to respect the right times for everything.
"Fémur a pintu, ca est meda" (Measuring is better than wasting): another variation on the theme of pondering.
These proverbs demonstrate how Sardinian culture has always valued reflection and attention.
"Chentu 'ortas a medire e una sola a segare" is more than just a proverb: it is a universal lesson. It reminds us that reflection is the key to making wise decisions and that the wisdom of the past is still applicable to the present.
Continuing to pass on proverbs like this is a way to keep Sardinian culture alive and to enrich our lives with timeless values.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Why are proverbs important in Sardinian culture? Sardinian proverbs are a unique way to transmit wisdom, values and traditions from one generation to another. They are a bridge between the past and the present.
2. What are the most well-known proverbs in Sardinia? Among the most famous are: "Su tempus est donu de su mundu" and "Fémur a pintu, ca est meda".
3. How to learn the meaning of Sardinian proverbs? You can learn more by reading books about Sardinian culture, talking to local elders, or exploring online resources dedicated to the language and traditions.
4. What is the main message of "Chentu 'ortas a medire e una sola a segare"? The proverb invites us to think carefully before acting, to avoid mistakes and negative consequences.
5. How to preserve Sardinian proverbs? It is essential to teach them to the new generations, integrating them into daily life and educational contexts.